

It’s important to find the right people to train you or guide you through various clinical practices and procedures. I was advised to reach to Astra Nova and when I checked out their list of courses, I didn’t hesitate to contact them right away. The guide on how to obtain a wholesale dealer`s license taught me the most fundamental things, while highlighting key procedures for obtaining such license. Now I am legally approved as a wholesale dealer! Thanks a lot!


Jeremy Simpson

How to obtain wholesale dealer's license guide

Accreditation: Bii approved
CPD: 0 CPD points
Duration: 2 hours
Certificate: No
Free course

This is a short guide that presents all the main regulations and steps that a company/individual should know and make in order to be approved legally as a wholesale dealer. The approval comes with a license on behalf of the local institution but only when complying with the most recent international regulations. We have added s set of the main directives and their interpretation related to the topic and we hope this will be a valuable knowledge for your practice and business.

Why is obtaining a wholesale dealer's license important?
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